Eternal Perspective


God has given me something to share with you. The following was written by a college friend of mine on the night of my accident that has rendered me paralyzed since 1981. Walter, whose body bears the burden of cerebral palsy, became my friend in the late 70’s and we have only recently reconnected again after twenty-five years. Friends told me that Walter, when hearing the tragic news, ran off into the night as far as his disabled body would allow him and cried his eyes out to God for his fallen friend.

The questions of “why, God?” rose from his broken heart but they were met on that same night with this magnificent truth and these unforgettable words:


When through this world of sorrow it seems all life is dark with pain
God will send the sun tomorrow but we cannot grow without rain

An eternal weight of glory worketh from afflictions light
For we’ll shout salvation’s story when our faith is seen as sight!

In darkness, pain and anguish, in helplessness that breeds despair
Jesus wins when we relinquish all that we are to Him in prayer

Oh the cross was agonizing, e’en though to die the Lord was born
Later there was great rejoicing when came the resurrection morn!

Someday when life is over, this tabernacle will depart
We’ll see Christ the greatest Lover, we’ll know the whole not just the part

An eternal weight of glory worketh from afflictions light
For we’ll shout salvation’s story when our faith is seen as sight!

–Walter Ferguson

I needed to hear that again today and I’m thinking you may have needed the reminder as well. As you may have deduced, the theme of Walter’s song is taken from Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthian Church. In one of its many benchmark declarations, Paul reminded his readers long ago,

“Therefore we do not give up; even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner man is being renewed day by day. For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. So we do not focus on what is seen but on what is unseen for what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal.”
(2 Cor 4:16-18)

See that highlighted part? Whatever your affliction or weakness is today, remember these three things and you’ll be just fine:

  • “momentary” – your adversity is TIMED (just as it began, it will come to a merciful end)
  • “light” – your difficulty is TEMPERED (the sovereign God has His hand on the thermostat and His eye on the thermometer)
  • “weight of glory” – your hardship is TAKING YOU FROM GLORY TO HIGHER GLORY!

 That’s His word for us today. Amen.

14 thoughts on “Eternal Perspective

  1. darla says:

    Eternal Perspective, a look through God’s eyes..seeing the world and the fallen state through the creators eyes..ahhhh how it must break HIS heart.

    While reading this I felt the hearts and emotions that flowed underneath, and I believe with all my heart these are the times we actually see HIS heart, learn from HIM, recognize HIS voice, and let go of everything around us and hold on to HIM with two hands. I know how that feels, believing that those are the times when our rewards are greatest, and out responses to HIM are moving HIS hand..we don’t know what is at stake in the heavenlies. HE would not put us through it, if it were not for a greater good. unimaginable to me what is that greater good.

    Kingdom of God is here, not physically seen with our eyes, but the battles are just over head. Your rewards are great!!

    Pondering…in our deepest darkest moments, when life seems at is prayers and conversations with HIM are at their purest…HE is after that…as well…a heart HE can use..

    love you!! This is a topic that a books could be written about!!


  2. “That’s His word for us today. Amen.”

    You ain’t kidding.

    Something shifted in me recently, and it settled in well today.
    The heat is on for sure.

    Father knows best….


    • pasturescott says:

      Three months late, but still glad to have this ‘chat’ with you, Johnny T!

      Since this comment, we have met face to face.


      And I am the better for it.

      If I thought grace flowed through your posts and comments, I’ve really SEEN it in person.

      Thanks for the comradeship.

      Coffee. Soon.


  3. Jerald says:

    Thanks for this encouraging word, Scott. Some of us are not disabled physically like you and Walter are but as this old body of ours wears thin, it becomes more and more of a burden. Words like these give us a renewed spring in our step and a needed attitude adjustment.



    • pasturescott says:

      Jerald with the sandaled feet (your avatar)…

      The Miracle Man.

      NO CANCER!

      God be praised.

      Let us rejoice. Not for a few seconds or minutes, but as long as He is alive!

      Now, THAT’S some eternal perspective for you…


  4. darla says:

    i am missing you! lots! love you and praying for you..


  5. Scott,
    I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks for the blessed words. We all need them.
    Keep up the good work for the Lord.
    Yours for powerful preaching,


    • pasturescott says:

      Mark, I am honored you took the time to read and write. The Lord has blessed me so much in the years past, so much breaking and so much joy in Christ! I look very much forward to keeping up with you, my friend.

      For the Lamb who is King!


  6. ekaria27 says:

    Im in tears…
    Pastor, thank you for the lessing posting. GBU


  7. annie says:

    And adding to this the full weight of your personal knowledge of the subject …

    very powerful, indeed.


    • pasturescott says:

      As always, Annie, thank you for taking the time…

      Thank you for shining out in the darkness…

      Thank you for letting yourself be currency in the Hand of God…

      Bless you…for His indwelling Life is leaking out of you like crazy!


  8. darla says:

    missing you! hope you come back soon…i returned to blogging..seems to help keep me you brother..


    • pasturescott says:

      I’ve only returned myself in the past two days, Darla. I depart every once in awhile for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is because I’m busy writing other stuff, sometimes I am in a season where I have nothing to offer (so why waste your time?) and often it is to keep my pride in check…

      But, as you said, there is a community to remember…and keeping in touch is vital!

      God always uses you to encourage me, Darla.

      Love you too!


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