Marital Tenacity…and a Case of One-Upmanship


“Love one another…Outdo one another in showing honor.” Rom 12:10

This was a recent exchange between myself and my wife of nearly 29 years. Consider yourself a fly on the wall.

She: “I love you.”

Me: “I love you too.”

She: “I love you most.” (giggle)

Me: (Quick retort) “I love you BEST.”

She: (Schoolgirl charm) “I love you LAST.”

Well played, mon cherie. You won that round.

I’ll be ready for the next one.

4 thoughts on “Marital Tenacity…and a Case of One-Upmanship

  1. Heather says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed the simplicity of speech & childlike charm. Absolutely wonderful!

    God bless your marriage!


  2. John says:

    You both are much loved by many. Like the two of you, we can’t help it. (giggle)


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