Oh, Miley…


This will be painfully short.

Oh, Miley…



Sweet girl, you’re confused, lost, tricked…and, undoubtedly very, very unhappy in your core.

I can’t even be mad.

But I can grieve.

And my heart feels like mourning, and so it does. You were made for more. You are not made to strut, to bend over, to mock sex acts and undress before unsavory, sex-starved, perverted men.

You are the image of the Bride – no, not in the way you presented yourself – but as a female in general.

God put you and your gender on the earth to put flesh and bone on the mystery that is the Church.

Oh, Miley.

A friend of mine says you need someone to hug you and whisper in your ear, ” you were made for more than this.”

I enthusiastically agree.

But before any emotion of enthusiasm can erupt from my being, I have to cry.

For you.

For me.

For humanity.

Women everywhere – in Christ or not, makes no matter – should feel degraded.

And men, also – in Christ or not, makes no difference – should feel grieved.

Shame on any who were turned on by this sick display.

Those five or six minutes were not playful, innocent, all in fun.

Or benign.

Never that.

They glorified darkness and gave it power to become darker still. Come into the Light, Miley.

That’s your only hope. It’s the hope of all of us. There’s genuine acceptance, freedom from enslaving childhood issues (or whatever), significance, safety and peace in the Beautiful Man, Jesus.

You’re naughty. You’re filthy. You’re dirty.


Whether it’s your handlers your publicists or yourself…makes no matter.

Jesus wants that costume that is sin-stained and ill-fitting…

…and He’ll give you an eye-catching wardrobe and make you a princess in a kingdom that boasts love and eternally satisfies.

Please, Miley.

Because this is not who you are. It’s all a lie you’ve become because you believed the lie.

Once upon a time, I did too, but that’s all changed by Jesus Who is Love.

Oh, Miley…

Oh, yes, Miley…you CAN stop.

And it’ll be worth it.

10 thoughts on “Oh, Miley…

  1. kelly says:



  2. Tim Wallace says:

    Good words, Scottie…good words.


  3. Dolores Pyer says:

    Thank you! We have been talking about this but you put it in to words so well!


    • pasturescott says:

      Thank you, sweet friend. I am grateful that much of the response to Miley is not judgment or condemnation, but sorrow and sadness, even brokenness…this is right in Christ. His story with her is far from over.


  4. Alan Powell says:

    Wise counsel. I pray that she will seek it.


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